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NEU International S.A. is a French company, which is dedicated to the fabrication of systems that operate diverse materials through pneumatics, on a World level.

It started operations in Mexico in 2000, when ferrocarril mexicano S.A. de C.V. acquired the automated system to supply sand, designated “heavy phase,” for the freight transportation of sand for its locomotives in some provision areas of its railway network.

By virtue of the fact that ferrocarril mexicano chose the construction company Imeval de Occidente S.A. de C.V. in order to install the “NEU” system, by constructing the buildings and additional equipment (cylindrical sand storage container, transportation line, sand cyclone) which are complementary to the sand system, a relationship of support and technical backing started between the companies “NEU” and Imeval.

Due to this, both companies determined to establish an agreement so that Imeval de Occidente S.A. de C.V. could be the NEU International representative in Mexico, and offer technical, service and maintenance support to the installation and equipment of the sand “heavy phase” style systems that they install in the Republic of Mexico.

Imeval de Occidente S.A. de C.V. offers its services to the railway industry of Mexico, as well as any other industry that needs to use the pneumatic medium for the operation of its materials, and offer this new service which complements the generic activities of our company.